Hey guys! Just figured I would catch up and add a bit of blog homework in as well from @missy @rambo @lyxzen too!
First thing... not like it is a crazy shocking or surprising thing to hear that my hair changed colors again! It is funny.. each color lasts a month or so and it's like clockwork, that I get sick of it. I swear there should be hair color changers anonymous or something! HA. I have switched over to half green and half pink hair! I tried out Arctic Fox hair color for the pink and I really love it! Of course there will be photos ;)
Second thing, OMG IT IS OCTOBER! haha.. it is usually so hot in Mississippi, but yesterday and today have been incredible! Low humidity and i think the low for today was 66, but it breezy and in the high 70's at the moment. Just ideal. And a few Haunted Houses that I want to check out open today, so I plan on going this weekend to one! Exciting!!!! I got the cutest Halloween dress from Sourpuss Clothing and wore it today and felt super cute in it. I left work a bit early today which I get to do some days when it is dead. I love being self employed. It is pretty incredible, and not to mention when my anxiety flares up like it has lately then it is nice to be able to get out of there.
Third thing, the blog topic of who is your hero!? I instantly thought of super heroes or what famous person and so on and so forth, but I feel the best answer would be my mom!! My mom and I are super close and always have been, but she is always brave, always stands up for what she believes in, was always been strong and supportive while raising my sisters and I, has a listening ear, a nonjudgemental heart, can show tough love, but also is very tender and softhearted. I admire her for lots of reasons, but I think a hero is someone who you feel could or has rescued you or could and would when given the chance! She is a rock and has rescued me many times and deserves a cape and all of the honor! Best answer I can think of <3
Fourth thing that kind of ties in to the 2nd thing.. I know I will probably sound like a broken record for October, but it would make me the happiest girl in the world to be front page this month ( especially Halloweeeeeen) with my new Halloween set Spooky and Sweet!!! Please help me get my dream come true and love on my set and cross all your fingers, toes, and eyes for this to happen for me!! I believe in this set and send out my hopes to the SG Gods that it will happen lol
Thanks for reading you guys! Have an awesome weekend!!! xoxox Starphire