Oooh I love love this blog topic from @missy and @rambo !! I can tell you all about my pets!! <3 I have 3 kitties and a bunny rabbit!! My 3 kitties are Siva, who is named after the Smashing Pumpkins song, Poe, who is named after Edgar Allan Poe and the musician Poe, and Beowulf, who is obviously named after Beowulf, but an old roommate of mine named him this after his street name was Bulls Eye ( lol street name.. he was a stray) !! I have had Siva, my white fluffy kitty the longest! She just turned 5 last week :) She was a rescue kitty and was found behind a shed as a tiny kitten and I got her from a lady who adopted out kitties she found! I had to work with her a whole lot when I got her because she would hiss at me and hide from me for the first little bit! She also has/ had a sister that I got with her, but I lost her in a break up/ move and it's very sad, but shit happens I guess. Siva is a total princess kitty and loves to talk meow at me all the time! It is awesome how my cats all have such different personalities!! I love that about them :) Ok, next is Beo, ( I usually call him Beo for short) who is my orange tabby cat! He is the most loveable cuddly cat I have ever had! He loves to sit next to me all the time!! I first got him when he was an older kitten because he hung out on the street I used to live on a few years ago! The neighbor would feed him and his siblings raw chicken outside all the time and it drove me CRAZY ( needless to say, when I cut up chicken in the kitchen he meowsss at me because he still thinks he is supposed to eat it lol ) I took him and his siblings ( 2 other cats ) in around that time, but my roommate kind of claimed Beo until she moved out! This was when I had the break up with my ex girlfriend and she took 2 of the cats, and I took Beo. He is about 4 years old and I made him a birthday up to keep track of his age and let him have a bday like the other kitties! Next is our black cat Poe, who is a little over 2 years old! He was adopted from the Humane Society around here and was such a cuteeee little guy at the shelter, we fell in love with him! It sucks that black cats are the least adopted color of cats
because of their issues with superstitions :( Poe is a sweet little moody guy! He makes funny sounds and lovesss to cuddle too whenever HE wants to! I love all of my cats soooo much <3 They are my kids at this point in my life!! I also have a bunny rabbit named Vexy. He is a Rex rabbit with velveteen fur and that is where his name came from! He is about 3 and a half years old ( i'd have to look at my calendar) I got him from a flea market when he was a tiny baby bunny!! A lot of people don't know how challenging a rabbit is for a pet, or maybe I should say how much maintenance they are! He has a huge double cage ( single size rabbit cages are NOT big enough for a bunny to be comfortable) and he comes out to play ( aka chase the cats, he is kind of a jerk lol ) some and I bring him to my mom's to run in her yard every month which he loves! Ok, so now that I have rambledddd a bit I will post some pictures of my loves! If you read this whole blog , props to you LOL.. xo Starphire