August 30th at 1:00 my new set She Wants Revenge will be in MR! I am excited, it has been awhile since I have had something up on the site yay!!!! Today i'm just enjoying a lovely day off. I have been wayyy into the healthy eating lately.. Organic, non GMO, and even eating for my blood type diet
I feel great, besides my awful allergies from this Mississippi weather! Phew! I am way over this humid heat! Want to shoot another set this year or early next year too! I love this site, I really hope in the future I have a pink set
Love to everyone! Muah, Starphire <3
Here is a pic of me at work a couple weeks ago, and a pic from when I got to meet Jinkx Monsoon from Rupaul's Drag Race and i was so excited !!!

Here is a pic of me at work a couple weeks ago, and a pic from when I got to meet Jinkx Monsoon from Rupaul's Drag Race and i was so excited !!!

i just love your eyebrows in your latest set girl <3
thank you ron4164
i love skeleton hands! thank you pascipio! thank you gadgette! i think they are crazy fun too