Things are pretty shitty, but i am trying to be positive and it will get better soon right? Mardi Gras sucked; me and my girlfriend had an insane fight and broke up. I am over that shit. Not going to be in a relationship where someone is so bipolar they call me every name under the book one second and the next love me to pieces. it's volatile and i won't do it anymore. my other roommates are moving out too and i'm having shit problems with my landlord because i've been trying to get him to have the insulation and a/c in this damn house fixed because last summer it was like 80-90 degrees in here no kidding. the ass hole just says he'll take that as my 30 day notice !!???? I'm responding to him but in a couple months i've got to get out of here. I hate moving and it is so expensive but you gotta do what you gotta do right? i'm bummed because i was going to do another set with lorelei next month and now of course can't afford it and so i guess it will be later this year. sigh... send me some good luck and wishes ok ? wow..... xo starphire
thanks for the lovely comment!
i hope things are looking up.. and i hope you do a new set this year . we should talk more. E <3