Finished the last of the move today, got my address changed with the post office, though I still have to do all the others yet. Also bought a new video game and a cable for my X-Box to hook it up. the cable I had previously is buried about 3 hours deep in the storage unit. easier to just spend the 13 dollars on a new one. Forza 3 is pretty nice, but the damage to the cars isn't as realistic as I expected, and I suck at racing, but I should do better with practice. I hope. No one in their right mind should ever let me race a real car. Ever. And on the productive note, I got myself some cereal and milk for breakfast, some cheese for spaghetti and soap to keep me clean. I was going to buy a soap dish, but not at 10 bucks a pop. Need to find one of those cheaper, only need it for 2 weeks. Productive day all around.
Now to just survive the next two weeks then I can steal my parents apartment till June-ish and plan on how to buy a nice house or something. Let the savings BEGIN!
Now to just survive the next two weeks then I can steal my parents apartment till June-ish and plan on how to buy a nice house or something. Let the savings BEGIN!
Yay for saving!
ty babe