Dratz, just found out my subscription is up soon and it is not in the budget to re-up after closing on my housr. Maybe in a few months I will be back. Till then stay naked and stay safe!
Back from camping for a week. Much better then working. Looking forward to going again next year!
Happy birthday to me!
I'm sure we will be left clueless until the very end.
They aren't helpful enough to fight against JJ Abram's mysterious trailers. You'll only learn enough to entice you, not to actually learn something.
Buying civ 5 tonight, just in time for surgery
Yes, I really need to see Doctor Who some time...
Oh, I'll check it out then

Going to be quite a weekend, Had a house warming party on Friday night. On Saturday I will be attending a diaper party for my sister and on Sunday a "secret" meeting for a club I belong to to start planing on our mid winter feast. And I get to try getting my car fixed sometime this weekend as well. Lots of busy busy work...
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I don't drink coffee and I rarely eat sweets.
I had an excellent weekend, went to a roman bath party and ate lots of steak, and far too much food in general. Listened to a couple of retired emt and cops talking about accidents they had scene, and generally bumbing around. Today, i am tired. But happy.
Got a new xbox, and now that I am back online, I am playing some ODST, probably followed by some goofy lego star wars fun. and then sleep.
Finished the last of the move today, got my address changed with the post office, though I still have to do all the others yet. Also bought a new video game and a cable for my X-Box to hook it up. the cable I had previously is buried about 3 hours deep in the storage unit. easier to just spend the 13 dollars on a...
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Yay for saving!
ty babe

What a week, got home from camping on Sunday, all sunburned and mosquito bitten, and today I am homeless and have all my stuff in storage because my room-mates are idiots and got us evicted. And never bother to tell me until 3 days before the sheriff was to show up and lock the doors. Talk about frantic packing and begging family for places to...
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Back from camping, Slightly bug eaten, but a damn fine weekend, good weather, lots of games played, lots of food eaten, can't ask for more!