Ok so I HATE MORNINGS!!! mad mad mad mad mad

why does everything have to start so damn early, I miss the days of sleeping everyday until like 10 am now 10 is leeping in resered for like once a month when I dont have anything to do on my 1 day off a week if I get that even any more. 2 jobs really blows but Ihave to pay...
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are you alive?
So to catch everyone up I am sick WTF I have bronchitus who gets that in hte middle of summer. Apparently I do.

BUt on to the good news, I was just reading Tuesday's blog and took a look at the Spit_Pretty line and it rocks. I will be placing an order. you need to check it out.

My roommate is moving out next week...
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you gonna meet greggy?
hey so we need to talk about i lvin here lovely we may haeva conflict on our hands!!!!!!!!! well ya so gotta go
Wow dude I am tired! I went out with dale and tues last night had a fucking awesome time, it was totally worth how I feel rught now. which is fine just really really tired but its all good.

Let me give you a recap we drank some liquor did a shot drank more liquor then more liquor then the police came into the bar...
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fuck yea she is!!!!
FUCK YOU, U TOOK THEM FIRST hehehehe smile smile smile smile smile well ya we should do it again sometime soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i have been having roommate issues. she is turning my apartment into her little crash pad for what ever strays she finds that day. I am all for friends comming over and spending the night every now and then. but I am getting tired of cleaning up after her and whatever sweaty i havent showered in a week guys she has sleeping on my...
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WOW sweetie im sorry but you do know that i am always a phone call away and so is tues so dont be shy call us damnit well i hopehtat things are going better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need to talk to me ok well ill call you later
So i have decide I hate wal-mart, and just to show how serious I am I finally bought a cam but I got it from Radio SHack I paid like twice the price I woulod have but ya know what its okay because I didn't have a go to wal-mart. Between wal mart and my space I'm not sure which is going to take over...
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Thankx sweetie i hope that we do have a great time, what am i saying we are going to have a great time well talk to you later
Okay Im really bad about posting everyday but I will try to be better. So Friday night was a blast hung with the girls got a little crazy, had some pain killers good times we should do it weekly.

Saturday_i didn't get out of bed until 4pm, then Mitch and I went to get Ice cream, I love DQ. then we went to the nature...
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Ok so that is too much for me to read anyways whatever you do i hope you are not lending him money unless you never want to see it again he owes me over 200 dollars so i would watch it!!!!!!!!whats wrong with your car?? anywasy you tlak ot andy yet gotta go change laundry
okay so I have a prime example of why the young kids today are the way they are. My 17 year old brother got really drunk and beat the crap out of this kid. He spent 1 night in jail and was charged with a bunch of different things including underage drinking. So he had court today and my brother got ALL the charges dropped...
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Perhaps maybe.. and this is too bad.. but maybe he will try to pull that shit again and get his ass handed to him...

It would be too bad because he would likely get hurt.. but he'd learn his lesson
YOU SUCK puke smile love love love love
Ok, I'm sorry I have been gone forever.

So I am happy the new Roomie is working out great . The only problm we have had so far was that the Toilet exploded. Yeah, I'm serious their was 2" of water on my floor. We had to use every towel in my apartment to soak up all the water before Mrs. Crabass down stairs has...
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Im trying so hard not to laugh...
Ya you better be back dork!!!!!!!!!! well GET SOME PICS ON HERE DAMNIT or i will have to do something smile wink well thankx for being a good frind starlyte love ya
SO today was one of the longest days of my life. It took forever to get out of the hell hole I call my job. Dalethia and Next Tuesday and agree with me.
SO I found a roommate I think things will be easier dame I hate bills
I cant wai to go to the UP over the 4th. yea getting the hell outta town...
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ya its going to be a blast to bad next cant come oh well there always next time. well so ya thank i m glad you like my tatts not that it matter if you do or dont because they are on me but it helps ... tongue tongue tongue tongue
Okay so I am sitting at work and I am tired as hell and this is the last place I want to be but you gotta pay the bills right.
So here is whats on my mind. I had a lot of fun yesterday, took a half day from work went to Great America and saw Tony Hawk's Boom Boom Huck Jam. Some Crazy awesome...
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Well you now that you want a roomamte you cant do it alone anyways we had alot of fun today i got two outlines done on my back adn some more color in on my pod baby so ya see ya tomorrow smile
what happened to that chick that was gonna move in? Dude my new tatt is killer! Dont get caught on here at work, Ive already got written up for it.
today is my first day with SG and i love it thank you Dalethia and Nexttuesday smile smile smile smile
we rock
eeek shocked tongue surreal