Boy did I fuck up today; ate too many calories...fuck! Oh well, a long workout will ofset it. I work out 6 days a week, but I still eat horribly. Unfortunately I really don't have much to say; I have no life these days. I have not seen the inside of a club in months, and I miss it! I look forward to the gym and the park [ for jogging] now a days. I think I have decided I won't get married; I don't think it is for me. Plus, I will NEVER have kids, so hey. I just like to do what I want, when I want, and being married, you can't do that. Plus, I seem to get sick of people easily; maybe it is just the people I deal with. The relationship I had the most trouble with was the most passionate in every way; fighting one minute, making up the next, and lasted the longest, maybe I need the drama? Well, I start back on night shift this week...let's see how shitty it makes me feel again! I have done nights for years, and I still think you never truly get used to it. But then again you never get used to nursing either. Well, time to go to bed; I have 2 more days of day shift work.
More Blogs
Monday May 01, 2006
Ok, well, let me see. I am bored, just cleaned the house. I guess I… -
Wednesday Apr 26, 2006
Hmmm, I have not written in a couple days. That guy I talked about i… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
Yeah, so I am kinda upset, I have known this guy for a year, and thou… -
Friday Apr 14, 2006
Shit, it's Friday, and I am home... spent the other night in the bath… -
Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
I am thinking of getting my next tattoo on the outside of my wrist, b… -
Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
I am up, tired, and can't sleep, and I have to be at work this AM! S… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
I am trying to meet new people on here that live near me to hang out … -
Wednesday Sep 21, 2005
I just joined today, no pic yet, but I will get one up soon.
Forget it. Ritualized masturbation that lasts for two hours is the answer. And Japanese pornography.