Hmmm, I have not written in a couple days. That guy I talked about in the last entry is still being a pansy, so whatever! I have to move out of my apartment in June, so if anyone knows of some decent, but not so expensive places near Falls church let me know. I don't think I am ready to leave VA yet...I came here at the happiest time in my life, and I can't leave until I get that back! Man, it is so late, I have to work tomorrow, 12 hours, and I worked today 12 hours, so I am beat!
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
Man, it has been forever since I put anything up on here. I had to s… -
Sunday May 28, 2006
Well, I lost 5 lbs last week, how kewl! Still just trying to save up… -
Monday May 15, 2006
Boy did I fuck up today; ate too many calories...fuck! Oh well, a lo… -
Monday May 15, 2006
Boy did I fuck up today; ate too many calories...fuck! Oh well, a lo… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
Oh damn! My cell phone was out of memory, so I started deleting old … -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
Oh damn! My cell phone was out of memory, so I started deleting old … -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
Oh damn! My cell phone was out of memory, so I started deleting old … -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
Well, I got this computer program from my trainer to track food intak… -
Saturday May 06, 2006
Well, my personal trainer finally decided to get his act together and… -
Monday May 01, 2006
Ok, well, let me see. I am bored, just cleaned the house. I guess I…