My college has a Study Abroad program that would let me go to Ireland for a month and take a couple classes.... I have always wanted to go to Ireland.... but it's about 6k for tuition+food+program fees, and then add in Car Payment, Insurance, Phone and credit cards and thats about another $1000, so if I wanted to do this I would have to spend...
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Yesterday was interesting, I guess thats the best way to put it. It was my B-day, so I am now 24, hehe which has depressing implications in and of it self. Anyways I got into a tiff with my best friend. I asked her to do something that was important and she completely forgot what it was. Now the thing is is we are both...
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oh happy belated birthday! i'm sorry you got in a fight with you friend that always sucks. i had a nightmare about me fighting with my friend the other night and woke up all upset.
best friends will get over that stuff, so i'm sure in a few days it wont be so bad!
best friends will get over that stuff, so i'm sure in a few days it wont be so bad!
Hehe thanks for the kind words, and in the end it was a happy birthday, and I just finished going over stuff with my friend, it was close, but things are good now!
Bleh... what a shitty birthday.
Hey, happy bday, try to have a little better one.
I don't know what I am doing anymore. I am depressed all the time, I go back and forth between wanting to have sex with my best friend and just wanting to be friends with her. I can't settle into a real work out schedule and my dedication to school is so off and on it's ridiculous. I don't know how to get in control...
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If I can't find someway to make shit better... I don't know if I can keep going.
It hit me hard tonight how hard the next 5 years are going to be. I am gonna be juggling a 40 hour a week job that I still don't have down 100% and working my ass off every semester to get the grades to get into ASU and once I am in ASU I need to work my ass off to get into their...
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School starts tommorow! Yay! Hehe for someone who is almost 24 and is about to start his second semester at Community college I am surprisingly happy. It's awesome to just be making progress again. Hopefully I can keep it up by creating a social life!
No one cares. I don't have a single meaningful relationship left in my life.
me neither. wah!
Ugh.... I hate that I am falling back into old habits and obsessions. Ashley is finally becoming part of my life again and all of sudden I start becoming obsessed and stalkerish again. Damn it, I need to not let shit happen like it did. I just get these insane ideas and scenarios in my head that make so much sense.... until they fall apart....
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Hahahahaha, So I just finished giving my best friend $300 to pay her power bill, because it was overdue, and going through this whole schpeel about how she shouldn't wait till stuff is out of control to call me and how she is best friend and I want to try to be there for her and help her deal with shit. This is all very...
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