I feel like.... I don't know. I have my days where I am ok, and kinda happy. I mean everything that is fucked in my life is there, but I don't notice it so much. Then there are days like today though.... where I am fucking falling apart at the seams. The thing is though, days like today have a cumulative effect. Lowering my permanent quality of life a little bit more each time they happen. Mainly because there aren't any overwhelmingly happy days to counteract them. There are only days where I am not sad. I need to break some of the things fucking me up, but I can't. I can't make bills and money not depressing, i can't make how long I have to go in school not depressing. The one thing I might be able to fix, I either have to find a way to hate someone I currently love and just burn away any feelings of her so she can't hurt me with her silence, or I can have faith in her and she can eventually explain it when she is ready..... I just have no way of knowing when that will be.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 23, 2009
Damn it, life really sucks sometimes. -
Sunday Sep 27, 2009
It is my birthday... yay? I actually hate my birthday, I like the day… -
Saturday Sep 12, 2009
So, good times are coming hopefully. My brother should be in town in … -
Monday Sep 07, 2009
So it's been a while since I have posted a blog to say the least. I t… -
Monday Aug 24, 2009
Well first class is in a little under an hour. I have high hopes for … -
Saturday Jul 11, 2009
I love finding new music. I mean is there any feeling better then exp… -
Thursday Jul 02, 2009
I am currently wavering between depression and relief... I guess. Ble… -
Saturday Jun 27, 2009
So apparently I have some kind of weird taste in music. No one I know… -
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
So whats up with me? Not much, I work, I go home and watch some movie… -
Sunday Jun 14, 2009
I need to start being active here. First thing, need to get some pict…