I think alot lately about what I have done to my friends.... I have been an assuming asshole for the most part. I always say that my friends and family are what are important to me and I would help any of them.... For the last few months I have been thinking that I had been lying to myself for years because what have I done to help anyone besides a very specific friend. As for that friend... well lets just say my interactions with her have caused more damage to the rest of my friendships then anything else that has ever happened.... but I guess thats why you don't fall in love with your best friends girl.... Well anyways I realize I can't feel bad because I haven't been in a position to help anyone for the past two years. My own life has been so fucked up that why should I feel bad about not being a great friend? I mean I'm not happy about it but, what am I supposed to do? Today it ends. I will do what I can for my friends and family but right now its gonna be me first and its gonna be that way until I can feel happy again.
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
So, I have been away for a long time and the major reason I am back i… -
Saturday Jan 30, 2010
Ugh... Shit is rough right now. License is suspended, got pulled over… -
Thursday Jan 14, 2010
Fuck I can't get to sleep. -
Saturday Dec 05, 2009
Drunken Musings Music is so amazing. It just makes you think about… -
Sunday Nov 22, 2009
So yeah... today is pretty terrible. Ugh... fuck it. -
Thursday Nov 19, 2009
Say Anything show on Friday. I WILL FIND A WAY AND PEOPLE TO GO WITH! -
Wednesday Nov 18, 2009
Fuck I am dumb. I am finally doing this right and I keep taking steps… -
Friday Nov 13, 2009
So... I have spent the last month or so in a constant state of anxiet… -
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
I have not been depressed in a real way for the past.... I don't know… -
Friday Oct 30, 2009
FUCCCCKKKKKK, I hate it when something happens in my personal life th…