so the past week has been a whirlwind...and now finally i can sit and relax. unwind. tonite is going to be so nice....
Unwinding is goooooooooood. One more day and I can do the same. smile
Thanks. They deserved it. Rude people suck. wink
in other news: just so everyone knows just how bad the anti-christ is::::
my gfriend is at the COPS convention in DC. it is a convention for thousands of families who have lost a family member in the line of duty (police officers) within the past year. sooo..they had to go the white house yesterday. Antichrist made a speech and then...
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It's a shame that an event like that can turn into such a disaster just for a publicity stunt for votes.
it seems at this moment my energy level just cant keep up. i am drained. not that i want to be, nor do i feel that there is any real reason for me to be, but i am.
i feel as if i could sleep forever. well, maybe not forever, but probably a week or two. i have no time for that. i think to...
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thanks for the good cheer, I'm feeling a lot less gloomy now.
House of Leaves! When I think of it I still get chills, and I have to say, I believe that the story is very true, perhaps only symbolically, but that endlessly changing, (self aware?) black labyrinth now lives inside my head. Quaantum Physics changed my life! he he.

the forests make my heart sing and the sea makes my body quiver, it makes me whole
I love to eat anything I've never tried before, beides that; Italian, homemade Mexican food and sushi
five years ago I wanted to live in a vibrant city, I wanted crazy love, a garden, to paint, I dreamed of creating all the fantasies I had in my head, I wanted to break out my shell and kick and scream.
Now many of my dreams are true, but on finding them in the flesh I've found that I don't really want them. I have good love. The only thing really lacking is because of my stagnating imagination. There are weeds to pull. The canvas is primed and waiting. I still havn't learned to express myself.
More Yoga! Bellydancing! Camping! Where is the ocean? I'm drying up!
from a man in the UK i would like to say. fuckin wayhay man. u r shit hot.
its 4am in the morning, and just getting home...i am beyond tired. working on my feet all nite long, dealing with drunk peeps just isnt as easy as it used to be. at least the monies good tho.
hmm..wish that i had some exciting things to say but really...well yes...
heres some exciting things:
ani is on monday
infected mushroom is next weekend
burning man...
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i never know how to respond to someone with such a ( ) thought, so i never do

House of leaves was aweSoMe!
New York huh? What's taking you to there? wink
my head is burning.....im bleaching my hair. the ani concert is two mondays from now! school will be over by then, and then my research study will begin. two more months of school and then i am free.
so ....when i first got back as a member, i thought oh its the same thing as last time..great that i get to look at naked beautiful girls, but really thats not all im looking for....maybe to meet some cool people, chit chat about life ..blahblah blah....but it never really happened last time. no wait i take that back. i am still in touch with...
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creeeeeeeppyyyyyyy........to understand cat and dog language?! that's fucked up.

see, there's always something new to learn on this site...everyday holds something crazy and strange.

i've got a permanent boner until burning man comes around. biggrin
I've found that here (much like any place else) you have to give more than you get. Simply the way things work.

Controlling dreams, eh? Why does that not seem like a good idea to me? Perhaps I've seen too many bad b-movies with premises not far off from that.

I suppose my random thought is to wonder what is the proper time and proper way to tell prospective lovers that I'm bisexual. As I usually date friends, this is rarely a problem; all of my friends know me. But I think there's probably a better way to let a woman know I also like men than, "This shouldn't change anything between us, but I like to suck cock occasionally." And there's a part of me that even wonders why it's anyone's business but my own. But then I remember a relationship of mine that ended after the boy I was with commented quite viciously about how he'd never ever date a bisexual, and I was forced to say, "Sorry, you are right now."
O my.
so i have been really ill for the past few weeks, and thus got pretty damn behind in school. now everything is due, and i have tests coming up and im about to lose my mind.

i need help! eeeeeek.
eeek eeek eeek
Well, the first step is asking for help. heh.

I remember last semester I had a similar problem. My brain melted and my summer was a waste. Hope the same fate doesn't befall you.
so my first day back to school after being sick as hell. it was needless to say, exhausting. i noticed lots of more interesting people today roaming around campus. perhaps because MTV will be there sat. for some weird event that i wont be attending.
or maybe the people just seemed more interesting because they were wearing hardly anything. OR maybe they were just more...
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Aww, sorry. I'm heading out now, but you can call Trina's phone when you get off. ooo aaa
i am tired.
tired of school. tired of work. tired of existing. it seems at this point that all i have the energy to do is to breath. and that makes me annoyed with myself.
what is it that makes me feel this way? too much drug use way back when?
genetics? nurture?
fuck it. who really knows. what i do know is that im...
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I'm sure your ventures into real culture this summer will help brighten your spirits.
In the mean time, look outside. Take your homework and hit the damn beach! Maybe you're just have a string of continuous poopy days. I'll buy you an ice cream, but can I borrow $5 'til Tuesday? jk. I hope you're feeling better soon. I still feel like shit, and now Trina is getting sick too.
Maybe it'll help if I take you to Crackers and get you all liquored up!! Yeah, I'll give you a call later. ooo aaa
i used to be a member forever ago..in the beginning...lol.

now im a member again, because in my sheer boredom of illness i have found myself with way too much time.