Name- Brandon
Age- 32
Birthplace/Current- Seattle
Job- Property Manager
Looking for Chemistry and great conversation, connection. If it evolves beyond that, Aweseome!! :)
Top 5 places to visit- Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, New Zealand, Austria
Favorite shows- GOT, Breaking bad, SOA, Archer, Dexter, Bates motel, Santa Clarita diet, Americans, Burn Notice.
Favorite movies- Starwars, The Crow, Brave heart, Mission Impossible, Boon dock saints, Black Panther, Avengers, Inception, Dark Knight Remake IT and Dawn of the Dead.
Skills- I play Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano, 2nd Black belt, Golf, Drawing and eating out 😉
Favorite places I visited, Scottsdale Arizona, Cannon Beach Oregon. I haven't been out of the country yet. I would LOVE too!!
Favorite food- PIZZA, Tacos, any pasta.