thoughts on bullying? there are a lot of new studies that show contradictory information to what we previously thought (sad, lonely, etc) into they just LIKE being a dick, and will gladly use you as a way of doing what they love doing. fucking sick. i feel like most of us have experienced this in one way or another..what do you think?
Bullying is one of those subjects I feel hypocritical talking about. It's strange as I have been bullied but at times have been the bully myself. When I look back on the times I've bullied people when I was younger I'm ashamed of myself. One kid in particular I think of often and wonder what happened to him. Sadly I think bullying is something that will always exist but if we educate kids and address it hopefully people will wake up to how destructive it can be sooner rather than later
I, unfortunately, was one of the kids that got bullied really bad in school. Up until the time the state took my sister and I away, we lived with our dad who not only stripped us of our dignity at home, but saw to it that we gained zero confidence while at school. For me personally, it wasn't enough to be sent in old clothes with holes in my shoes, messy hair, and hungry, he made sure to send me every week with fresh bruises all over and often times with cuts or a busted lip. Kids often make fun of what they don't understand so it was a daily ritual for them to pick out everything wrong with me first thing in the morning and remind of those flaws frequently throughout the day. I'd go home, he'd find a reason to beat us or abuse us in other ways, send us to bed hungry, and the next day it would start all over again. I was 9 years old when I first attempted suicide. I found an unopened bottle of aspirin in the bathroom and ate the entire bottle. I had just about succeeded but as my system became more poisoned, I became delirious and my sister found me wandering down the hallway speaking gibberish. Had I stayed in bed another 20 minutes, everything would've shut down long before anyone would have had the chance to stop it and I would have finally ended the suffering. After being rushed to the hospital, I tried explaining what was going on in our home and they let themselves be manipulated by my dad and sent me home with him once I recovered. I finally went back to school and it started all over again. As I got older, I started to self mutilate and have some pretty bad scars as a result. To this day, no one can touch my face, not even my daughter, and if someone touches my face in a way that's intended to harm me, I completely blank out until I either hurt them, or someone steps in until my eyes are no longer glazed over. I would never hurt anyone who would touch my face out of love or endearment, but reflex does kick in automatically and I pull my face away before they have a chance to touch it.