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Tuesday Jan 06, 2004
"Do you remember the first lad or lass you loved? When you felt your… -
Monday Jan 05, 2004
I-Ching -
Thursday Jan 01, 2004
When someone asks what there is to do, light the candle in their hand… -
Wednesday Dec 31, 2003
My head is bursting with the joy of the unknown. My heart is expa… -
Tuesday Dec 30, 2003
Aum bhur bhuvah svah Tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi D… -
actually I've only read the flat earth series (repeatedly) and the wolf tower series- one - I think that's what it's called- young adult type stuff, as opposed to the flat earth, which is adult adult.
when I first read Night's master, it was around the time of tipper Gore and all of the warning labels coming out. Give or take a year. I must have read it in 6th grade, because I forgot it in my language arts class room, and my teacher eventually returned it to me with great misgivings.
I clearly remember reading this part, and not getting it, and being sure that there was some deliciuos adult secret hidden behind all of the imagery.
"The phallus of the Demon, (neither icy nor burning), enterered him as a king enters a kingdom conquered,adoring, his by right of surrender. The phallus was a tower which pierced the gate, the vitals of the citadel of his inner world."
I thought it was great that I could read all sorts of things, (Piers Anthony, author of the charmingly all ages xanthe books also wrote some books with dirty bits, as I discovered. ) but that a movie with boobs in it or a cd that said "Fuck" I might not be able to see or hear.
DSL on the 20th!!!!
edited to say ... PURPLE HAIR - OH MY GOD. you are so my goddess. amazingment.
[Edited on Feb 05, 2004 4:45PM]