ask welntaod about the ladybugs in his parents house....
wow! a robert anton wilson documentry? wow! I'm entrigued!
I was trying to think of what's the difference between "haze" and "fog" the other day in the car- you know how when you think too long about a word it seems strange -- I guess haze is less than fog, and burns off, and maybe more positive in it's connotations- purple haze vs. purple fog.
wow! a robert anton wilson documentry? wow! I'm entrigued!
I was trying to think of what's the difference between "haze" and "fog" the other day in the car- you know how when you think too long about a word it seems strange -- I guess haze is less than fog, and burns off, and maybe more positive in it's connotations- purple haze vs. purple fog.
yay caffeine!
hope you're having (had) a great night