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Saturday Feb 18, 2006
Songs of the Goddess But to love me is better than all things; if … -
Saturday Feb 11, 2006
Read More -
Sunday Jan 22, 2006
stari scribbles . . . -
Monday Jan 16, 2006
"The most living moment comes when those who love each other meet eac… -
Saturday Jan 07, 2006
"Divine imagination, Forgive our blindness, Open all our eyes. Reve… -
Sunday Jan 01, 2006
Aspirations 2006 ~ 1. To give my SG peeplets more of the starishine…
You've prompted me into sorting out a temporary avatar (at last).
Lee "Scratch" Perry rocks.
lets see- I was in Brazil for two weeks in feb. of 2001 and two months in the summer of 2001 - july/aughust. I had started studying portuguese through capoeira- the brazilian dance/martialart/dance thing I do 2 years before that., so I've been studying portuguese for about four years. Portuguese is my best language (after english) then comes spanish, which I studyied at the simultaneously with portuguese- port. was my out of school passion, spanish was what I took college classes in- and I have the equivilent of a minor in spanish. [although I strongly advocate studying lots of languages at the same time, I don't suggest really, really similar languages that you are at the same levcl in; sooo much extra confusion...
In middle school I had three years of french, the changed schools to do one year of spanish, then changed schools and did german and latin at the same time for three years.
I've studied french and german on my own a little since then, but I'd need a lot of work to get anywhere with them. I think french has more likelyhood of me putting any effort into it than german because german is harder to read. I dunno,I go back and forth..
languages I have studied as a dilletante, or have been breifly obsessed with and don't remember a lot of off the top of my head: norwegian, icelandic, anglo saxon, russian,welsh. scottish gaelic, tibetan, and quenya.
I dunno, I don't think it's so impressive- I hope I can actually get to a more real level of fluency in at least portuguese- I'm sort of the jack of all trades, master of none.
I'm glad your holidays worked out! mine were much mellower than I had feared. I think christmas will actually be no big deal, since I'm working ,so are several people in my nexus and it won't be a major family pilgramage.
It sounds like you found my live journal... I was going to be totally secretive about it, but now that I've figured out how to make private and public entries, I think I'm going to tell people about it.
I have to fight to just write straight out- I tend to fall into lists and stuff. THank you for your compliments I noticed you have a great style yourself-