remue confession: I started Jane Austen's Emma after being enthralled by film productions of Sense & Sensability and Pride & Prejudice - and I just couldn't get into it the rhythmn of it(maybe I'll give it another go
the problem not being with Jane Austen but with me
Reading: dostoevsky "The Devils" - baudelaire "the flowers of evil"
Watching: Alfred Hitchcock "The 39 Steps" - "Capote"
the problem not being with Jane Austen but with me
Reading: dostoevsky "The Devils" - baudelaire "the flowers of evil"
Watching: Alfred Hitchcock "The 39 Steps" - "Capote"
Listening: John Coltrane "Blue Train" - Cat Power
Drinking: too much coffee & red wine
Crush: Starisea