So @missy and @rambo want us to tell a love story for our homework. Here's mine. It's a tumblr post I made years ago, a while after meeting my (now) husband. It may be more of a rambling than an actual story, but I think it's a pretty good one.
I’ve never been a person to believe in fate, or that everything happens for a reason. I denounced my religion when I was twelve and realized I could think for myself. Things were coincidences, chances. Not controlled by a higher power. But there are some things you can’t ignore. Some things are meant to be, and they very much DO happen for a reason. People come into your life and leave it every day, and most of them are inconsequential. But every so often, you meet someone, and they just happen to fill up all these tiny little spaces inside of you. And what if you had stayed home that night? What of you had worn something different? What if you had stood on the other side of the room, or came with someone else, or been just a little too shy? What if you hadn’t looked each other up? What if you hadn’t been there for them and grown closer? A million circumstances that, had any of them been different, might have changed where you are now. So many chances you took, so many coincidences that you HAVE to wonder…