just got home from the hospital - i'd been there 8 days and was getting sick of it - they've decided thzat i am no longer responding to meds, which is true, so i started getting ECT (electro convulsive therapy) which is scary but is working wonders on my bipolar. i still have more treatments left but they let me go home, thank god - i couldn't stabnd it there anymore. so after toughgirl left i took all my pills. i just wanted to die, which is sad. but now i'm feeling much better except that my folks want me to move back in with them and out of my house, which sucks, but may be for the best. sorry if i worried anyone - i've just been chilling in the nuthouse. but i refuse to let my disease get the best of me anymore!
i'm getting pics ready to submit to SG - wish me luck everyone! i'm goiing to submit a pic of my backpiece, a black and white of me in a corset, and oine more that i have yet to take. hopefully, i get accepted. hey i'm cute - just slightly nuts!
well, i hope everyone is doing well - forgive my abscense but i was healing my head/mind. take care.
i'm getting pics ready to submit to SG - wish me luck everyone! i'm goiing to submit a pic of my backpiece, a black and white of me in a corset, and oine more that i have yet to take. hopefully, i get accepted. hey i'm cute - just slightly nuts!

well, i hope everyone is doing well - forgive my abscense but i was healing my head/mind. take care.
Jenni, I felt so terrible about leaving! I mean, not because I was mad that you wanted me to leave, because you said you wanted to be alone so I wanted to do whatever made you feel best but I had this really bad feeling about it and the whole time I was still in KC I kept thinking, "I should turn around and go back and make sure everthing is ok" and I just worried so much the whole drive home and wished that I had anyones phone number that I could call (sean or brian or whoever) because i was so worried! then when you were't around for days I kept thinking, "oh man I shouldn't have left"...I dont' know, I get these feelings, weird intuition and I should have followed it this time, but I'm so glad that you are ok!! e mail me anytime you want, take care of yourself, check out my sg albums, cute pictures of you in your tie dress!

I'm sorry you're going through all of this... if there is ever anything I can do... please let me know...