my new roommates rule but i am staying with my mom for a little while (it's a long story) but i don't have access to SG there, so updates may be sparse. i'm at my house right now - hanging out with my crew. the lovely bri just dyed my hair blue in the back for me - it looks awesome - and tomorrow i'm going job hunting - yay!
things were looking seriously down but are looking back up again, thank goodness. lots of fun was had last week.
went to the tattoo convention today - pretty fun stuff. i met an artist that may do my ribs for me - but he's in IN - a 7 hour drive. but it would be worth it totally - he kicks ass and is totally into what i'm into at the moment - good art

but i have other pieces lined up first, like getting my sleeve finished, so it may be a while. no matter - i'm pumped.
trying to look on the bright side of things has not been my forte the last little while but i'm back with my sunny disposition (sometimes).. but you gotta keep going somehow, i guess, no matter when your world cumbles beneath you. so it's been a rough week. but i'm alive (amazingly enough). and i should be home soon and out of my mother's house , so it will be back to my journal whoring skills, but for now, not so much.

Hugs and such!!