went yesterday and got my nipples pierced vertically to celebrate a new beginning/ also kind of mourn the loss of my relationship. i had to stop the piercer before he even started it was so emotional for me but i got it done and they look great, even though the stars tattooed around my nipples are crooked (so are my piercings to kind of balance that) but all in all it looks awesome - i want to post some pics but can't seem to find my camera any where
your loss
my ex called me today despite my several requests for him not to, but he really needed a ride to cash his paycheck and had no gas in his car so i bit my bottom lip and drove out to kansas to pick his ass up. i was really worried how i would react to seeing him so soon, but i was actually just really happy to see him and it felt like the right thing to do. sso i'm a lot stronger inside than i thought i was - i thought it would be the end of summer before i could handle seeing him at all and here it's only been a few days. i guess maybe i really knew inside that he wasn't in love with me - i don't know. or maybe the nipple piercing was really the closure i needed. whatever the case - we hung out after i gave hima ride and are going to go to the tattoo convention together, i believe, if i have enough money to enter the best overall female competition. anyone else in kc is welcome to come with us too. i put it on the calender but it's the kc tattoo convention (east coast al's tattoo rendevous) and it's july 15th - 17th. i think tickets cost $10 a day. it won't be huge but you'll get to see me on stage showing off my tattoos, practically naked. i'm kinda nervous about that - last year i entered the backpiece competition and didn't win but ha to go onstage in a thong with a towel on my front - i didn't have to but that's the best way i could think of to show all of my back piece since it goes down almost ot my knees. i was so nervous, but i had a friend in the audience. this year it's going to be pasties and a thong - and now that i know what it's like i'm even more nervous. i might just wear a bra. i don't know. but it will be fun.
damn. i hope i find my camera soon so i can show off my new piercings to SOMEONE!
i plan on getting my anti-eyebrows done next - at the end of august - beginning of september (in two months) after my nipples heal a little bit. i'm quite excited about those. i've never actually known anyone with their anti-eyebrows pierced, but i think that it will look good on me and be a piercing that i can wear and not a piercing that wears me. we'll see.
even though i'm not glad the breakup happened, i am glad that it happened now during the summer so that i can recover and not waste anymore time as bri's girlfriend thinking we were going to get married and shit. now i can concetnrate on being his friend on myself and doing whatever i want to do. which right now is mostly just baby myself and spend time with my family, but i think that i'll want to hang out pretty soon. anyone want to go the bars or go party?
just let me know when and where and i'll bring a smile and my charms.
seriously, though, i do want to get out of this house and party a little bit now that i'm not tied down at all, so send me some invites and some love! i promise to bite - gently though!

my ex called me today despite my several requests for him not to, but he really needed a ride to cash his paycheck and had no gas in his car so i bit my bottom lip and drove out to kansas to pick his ass up. i was really worried how i would react to seeing him so soon, but i was actually just really happy to see him and it felt like the right thing to do. sso i'm a lot stronger inside than i thought i was - i thought it would be the end of summer before i could handle seeing him at all and here it's only been a few days. i guess maybe i really knew inside that he wasn't in love with me - i don't know. or maybe the nipple piercing was really the closure i needed. whatever the case - we hung out after i gave hima ride and are going to go to the tattoo convention together, i believe, if i have enough money to enter the best overall female competition. anyone else in kc is welcome to come with us too. i put it on the calender but it's the kc tattoo convention (east coast al's tattoo rendevous) and it's july 15th - 17th. i think tickets cost $10 a day. it won't be huge but you'll get to see me on stage showing off my tattoos, practically naked. i'm kinda nervous about that - last year i entered the backpiece competition and didn't win but ha to go onstage in a thong with a towel on my front - i didn't have to but that's the best way i could think of to show all of my back piece since it goes down almost ot my knees. i was so nervous, but i had a friend in the audience. this year it's going to be pasties and a thong - and now that i know what it's like i'm even more nervous. i might just wear a bra. i don't know. but it will be fun.

damn. i hope i find my camera soon so i can show off my new piercings to SOMEONE!

even though i'm not glad the breakup happened, i am glad that it happened now during the summer so that i can recover and not waste anymore time as bri's girlfriend thinking we were going to get married and shit. now i can concetnrate on being his friend on myself and doing whatever i want to do. which right now is mostly just baby myself and spend time with my family, but i think that i'll want to hang out pretty soon. anyone want to go the bars or go party?

seriously, though, i do want to get out of this house and party a little bit now that i'm not tied down at all, so send me some invites and some love! i promise to bite - gently though!
Did your nipples hurt quite a lot...I am actually thinking about getting it done, actually just wrote something in my journal about that.
I didn't know there was a tattoo convention coming up, I really want to try to come, for at least one day, I've always wanted to go to one, I've never been and don't really know what to expect but I'm sure I would enjoy it. I dont' know what's going on this weekend still, my friend still hasn't called me back and I'm getting a little pissed off, she is supposed to be one of my better friends and she won't call me back and tell me if she's coming home for her birthday, she's strange, has a real phobia of the phone, but come on!
You shouldn't be nervous about getting up there and showing off your tattoo, it is absolutly beautiful and fucking rocked my socks off... I think that's a good phrase, I don't think it should have ever gone out. Anyhow, hope everything is going well!!