still depressed. can't leave icky dirty house. am running out of food. have no money. but at least i'm not crying right this second. i'm hoping that the depression breaks soon. cause i don't really know what to do or who to turn to anymore.
went to see my new therapist today but found out she doesn't take my insurance so i had to find another new therapist who can't get me in for another week. if i don't get better soon i'm checking myself into the hospital and i really don't want to do that. really don't want to but odn't know what e;lse to do.
sorry to be such a bummer. i wish upon a star that i felt normal again.

the distance and the different language makes me a bit helpless...
here in germany i prefer to visit my friends when they're depressed, cause be close and eye to eye works better than a phonecall or a chat...