yesterday i got fired. over the phone. with no warning. no three strikes you're out. i was discriminated against because i am bipolar. and it fucking sucks. it makes so angry and hurt and upset thaat i just laid in bed crying and choking and sobbing for a couple hours after all was said and done yesterday. here's the scoop, the total story as i know it:
before the store was open i was adjusting to my new drug topomax and had to leave early two days. i asked if i needed a doctor's note. my manager told me that it wasn't a big deal and not to worry about it. so id didn't. yesterday, i called in sick over an hour before my shift like i was supposed to due to major anxiety and panic aattacks and deppression. the higher ups had already been informed about my condition and new i was adjusting to new medications. they told me they would call me back and let me know if they could find someone to cover my shift. half an hour later, the store manager called me back and fired me due to my "lack of commitment" and told me not to come back. that was it.
does that seem fair or even legal? if i had the money i would go back with a doctor's note and a lawyer and sue the pants off of urban outfitters (no pun intended) for discrimination against the disabled (i qualify for disability due to my bipolar) and the mentally ill. my roommate said i can probably find someone ( a public defender) to take on the case for free but i've been so fucking dpressed lately that i don't know if i have the energy. between the panic attacks and crying jags and sleeping i don't have time for anything at all worth while - not even the possibilitiy of righting a wrong. and that's pathetic. i've been fucked over and i don't even have the energy to fight for myself.
i've gotta fight. maybe if i can just muster up some energy - some old me some old self i can maybe even fight the big corporate urban outfitters and maybe even get them to settle and get some $$ and some of my dignity back. that's more like it. they fucked iwth the wrong woman. they shouldn't have fucked me over. they're gonna have to pay. if i can just get a nap first . . .

we got rings on our last anniversary ill get some pics for you
yehh not many tattoists do it though. ians ring is quite blurry. mines nice and clear.i think its the amount of flesh you have too.ians hands are really boney no fat. well thats what we think went wrong anyway...

just saw the pics. they are fantastic!!!!