feeling a bit better today - though some old bad habits have made their way back into my life. such as out-of-control spending money that i don't really have. i htink i dropped around $300 in the last three days - maybe more. just MAC makeup, hair stuff, clothes, and shoes. and notebook and a candle. hust shit from work. i get a discount but shit that stuff is still expensive. tried to cram myself into an 11 because they didn't have the 13 - amazingly i got it over my hips and ass but no go on the button
actually was pretty fun me bouncy around the dressing room attempting to get these abviously too small capri pants on myself. when they fit in about a month i might buy them, though. or at least consider it, though i've promised myself "must save money - no more shopping and reckless spending!!"
i got an awesome sheer bra and panty set for my upcoming shoot with B1LL who has so kindly offered to take my photos - hopefully i won't be quite so rolly-polly by then but at least will have cute underwear to wear for a little while.
have i mentioned how excited i am that my scarification is all set up for june 12? because i'm completely stoked - still nervous but stoked.
i haven't gotten my issue of savage magazine yet but am waiting. oh savage, where are you? i can't wait to see naked pictures of myself in a magazine! i just hope they didn't suddenly ax my spread/article/whatever. maybe i just need to be a little more patient. i'm really not, though. anyway, time to take my poor car back to the shop and see if i can weasel my way out of working today so that i cang o thrift store shopping (one more day of spending money - i get paid today!) since i haven't been in forever and want some unique stuff and want to go riffling through racks of clothing for hours - sounds fun. sounds way more fun than sitting at freaks on 39th all day, but that depends on if i can get out of working or not. we'll see. take care everyone and have a SUPER day. enjoy the kc heat.

i got an awesome sheer bra and panty set for my upcoming shoot with B1LL who has so kindly offered to take my photos - hopefully i won't be quite so rolly-polly by then but at least will have cute underwear to wear for a little while.
have i mentioned how excited i am that my scarification is all set up for june 12? because i'm completely stoked - still nervous but stoked.
i haven't gotten my issue of savage magazine yet but am waiting. oh savage, where are you? i can't wait to see naked pictures of myself in a magazine! i just hope they didn't suddenly ax my spread/article/whatever. maybe i just need to be a little more patient. i'm really not, though. anyway, time to take my poor car back to the shop and see if i can weasel my way out of working today so that i cang o thrift store shopping (one more day of spending money - i get paid today!) since i haven't been in forever and want some unique stuff and want to go riffling through racks of clothing for hours - sounds fun. sounds way more fun than sitting at freaks on 39th all day, but that depends on if i can get out of working or not. we'll see. take care everyone and have a SUPER day. enjoy the kc heat.

yea i buy too much MAC makeup as well