I'm doing better again - so sorry for the emotional melt-down - i seem to have those more often that most people - actually more often than not . . . my job has been better, i guess, now that i'm getting to know my associates - chit-chatting seems to pass the time pretty well - i actually have had a few customers today too - hahaha. they sent me to work in children's shoes for this week - i don't mind too much though - money is money - though the eight hours on my feet have left me tired and bitchy most of the time i get paid friday - first paycheck! i know, exciting shit here. just watched the new stormy video - pretty cool, actually. as for anything else exciting in my world - my new hello kitty watch and some new clothes. that's about it, besides the same old roommate drama. i'm not perfect. i can be a bitch sometimes. but at least i'm a fucking decent human being, which is more than i can say for a certain person in this house. last night the parents had to calm me down 'cause i was just so pissed off about another note that she left on my door straight up lying to me like i'm some kind of fool. well, i'm not, and i'm done being a fucking door mat to anyone that wants to step on me. besides, i guess that's one less person i have to worry about in my life. i may not be super popular, but at least the people that are in my life are there for good reason, not just as some fluff to cushion my loneliness. i can deal with loneliness. but not fake people. be a dork, be bitch, be an ass, but be yourself, i say. that's what i try to live by. anyway, at least my living with the brian has been good - our one-year anniversary is in a week - yippee! i'm giving him the gift of dermal punching traigus style - not by me silly, by the piercer guy i'm soon to be apprenticing. and for anyone that was worried by my last entry - i moved up appointment with my drug dealer, i mean psychiatrist, to get my meds straightened out so that i be feeling better sometimes. talk to you later, kiddies.
More Blogs
Saturday Aug 06, 2005
so lonely and the ECT makes me forget everything. i no longer have a… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
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Saturday Jul 23, 2005
ToughGirl is coming to stay today! Yay! so i went over to the h… -
Tuesday Jul 19, 2005
well, i lied. i found a way to acsess SG at my mom's and erase the h… -
Saturday Jul 16, 2005
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Saturday Jul 09, 2005
i was feeling sad and rejected (the ex had more important things to d… -
Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
my nipples are healing up well - my secret is not wearing a bra while… -
Friday Jul 01, 2005
went yesterday and got my nipples pierced vertically to celebrate a n… -
Thursday Jun 30, 2005
so much for a turning point - my boyfriend fell out of love with me s… -
Wednesday Jun 29, 2005
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