So my housemates told me that they were mad that out of all 5 of us, the film student (me) has the most promising future. Kind of a dick thing to say right!? I mean, I got into the film school I wanted, but that doesn't mean anything. They are engineers, and going into law school and shit, so they have nothing to complain about. They make fun of me all the time saying that I'm not getting a real degree. I guess its kind of a slap in the face for them to see me being successful. Although, it shouldn't be a surprise. I am top of my year, I have three award winning films already, so fuck them!
Ok I'm done.
Ok I'm done.
Haters gotta hate... haha! Personally, I'd take it as a compliment though. Of course, it may also have less to do with success itself and more with the satisfaction of the career.