Today I decided I hate everything. Job, car, traffic, food everything. It all feels like a giant anchor. Maybe i didnt take my medication today... I cant remember. I wish there was a subway here that I could ride around on. I just need to stare at a wall for a few hours. With quiet nothingness.
Ever since we went and saw brokeback mountain, i've dreamed of becoming a sheep herder in the 60s. It's the same shit that happened to me when i read all those stupid fantasy novels. I wanted to be a knight or a rouge or some person who didnt have to sit at a computer all day. Somebody who didnt have to worry about laundry and bills and could just ride away on a horse if they wanted to.
Often i feel cheated for no apparent reason. Or maybe for all reasons. I feel like in school they should have said "You can want to be anything" not "You can be anything you want". Because the truth is I can't be a knight an astronaut or even fighter jet pilot.
Ever since we went and saw brokeback mountain, i've dreamed of becoming a sheep herder in the 60s. It's the same shit that happened to me when i read all those stupid fantasy novels. I wanted to be a knight or a rouge or some person who didnt have to sit at a computer all day. Somebody who didnt have to worry about laundry and bills and could just ride away on a horse if they wanted to.
Often i feel cheated for no apparent reason. Or maybe for all reasons. I feel like in school they should have said "You can want to be anything" not "You can be anything you want". Because the truth is I can't be a knight an astronaut or even fighter jet pilot.

who wants to live forever?