I went out riding the GS450 today. My dad was a lot cooler about teaching me to ride motorcycle than he was about driving my car. My legs hurt like a mother though. I'll update more later. I'm gonna ice my crotch or something... fuck...
More later: Birthday parties for 21 year olds suck. When they have it someplace like Pedros it's cool, but when they all decide they're going to a bar bar instead of a bar restaurant it all goes to shit.
The tattoo is all but healed. Some last bits of skin that should sluff off in the shower tomorrow are all that remain of the pain and tattooing experience. This of course leaves me wanting more. C'est la vie. I'm sure I'll get more later in my life but I think I'm done for a while.
Anyway back to riding motorcycle. I dumped once but caught it, I almost dumped a second time but did a really bad manuever and kept myself upright. The dump was because I didn't hold the clutch in far enough and it lurched away from me (450cc bike + 130lb guy == it's tougher than I am) the almost dumped was I went into a more than ninety degree turn going 15mph. Oops.
I'm a total speed freak. 20mph feels like 40 when you've got the wind hitting you and whisteling in the vents of your helmet. It's an unreal feeling. Logically you know that you're only going 20mph, but you may as well be flying for the way your mind processes it.
That's what the bike looks like. That's not actually it, but it may as well be since there's not a mark on the bike.
I don't want to work tomorrow. There are many things I'd rather do... none of them are really better I guess.... but still... I'm really growing annoyed with work.
More later: Birthday parties for 21 year olds suck. When they have it someplace like Pedros it's cool, but when they all decide they're going to a bar bar instead of a bar restaurant it all goes to shit.
The tattoo is all but healed. Some last bits of skin that should sluff off in the shower tomorrow are all that remain of the pain and tattooing experience. This of course leaves me wanting more. C'est la vie. I'm sure I'll get more later in my life but I think I'm done for a while.
Anyway back to riding motorcycle. I dumped once but caught it, I almost dumped a second time but did a really bad manuever and kept myself upright. The dump was because I didn't hold the clutch in far enough and it lurched away from me (450cc bike + 130lb guy == it's tougher than I am) the almost dumped was I went into a more than ninety degree turn going 15mph. Oops.
I'm a total speed freak. 20mph feels like 40 when you've got the wind hitting you and whisteling in the vents of your helmet. It's an unreal feeling. Logically you know that you're only going 20mph, but you may as well be flying for the way your mind processes it.

That's what the bike looks like. That's not actually it, but it may as well be since there's not a mark on the bike.
I don't want to work tomorrow. There are many things I'd rather do... none of them are really better I guess.... but still... I'm really growing annoyed with work.
Awesome. I bet that is such an adrenaline rush! 

Snowmobiles feel like that. The world goes by much faster when the only thing between you and the ground is your jacket.