One day. I forget to clean the tit piercings for one fucking day and they get infected. Fucking both of them! The right one is minor, but the left one is swollen a bit. I poured more pierced ear solution into it than I prolly should have, but that infection shit gotsta go.
Why the fuck did I do this again? *looks at Body Mods in his profile* Oh yeah...
Why the fuck did I do this again? *looks at Body Mods in his profile* Oh yeah...
precious.. absolutely precious... I get 3 drunk dialing messages, just to tell me goodnight.. (yes, I know I drunk dial you all the time, but I have reasons.. aka walking drunk on Minnehaha at midnight alone.. I prefer being on the phone with someone.. so there..) but yes, very cute. And not only the phone messages, but I got a drunk journal comment as well. lol... I'll make sure to tell the DT girls that they "rock" because they fed you tequila and they're your big sisters. funny shit. you make me smile, boy.
that sucks, you've been bragging about how awesome they are.