I'm sick as a dog, but I've come up with a solution. I'm going to work out until I sweat this crap out of me. Between that, mucinex and a ton of gatoraid. I'll be fine by tomorrow. Or dead. Not sure which yet.
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
I may get a job doing custom paint on motorcycles... I'm not entirely… -
Sunday Apr 09, 2006
I made 480 yesterday working in LaCrosse. I am also still rather s… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
I'm still sick. This has gone beyond normal levels of suck. Anyway… -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
If I fell in a forest and couldn't get up, would one of those life al… -
Thursday Mar 23, 2006
I'm not sure if I can call a sweet and sour apple vodkatini the heigh… -
Sunday Mar 19, 2006
I am tired. I'm fucking tired. But.... my sinusses are clear, my thro… -
Friday Mar 17, 2006
My first St. Pats that I can legally drink in this country and I'm si… -
Wednesday Mar 15, 2006
So fucking sick.... I am the hate of my body's functions. -
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
Is it wrong to name a game character "The Great Ghengis Kahn" and mod… -
Saturday Mar 04, 2006
Yesterday while at work I achieved what I can only describe as total …