So craigslist sucks for hookups. 
My wife and I have been looking for a threesome. We both think it would be hot. We've talked about boundaries. We've set all the important ground work to make sure that we both truly feel comfortable with the situation....
Now we need a third. Craigslist? Bunch of bots or chicken shit little girls who back out last minute. Sucks.
OkCupid? The girl we met through there, was all geared up to go with us, did play with one of us, got the herp from one of her other partners, thank god she told us, we got tested, NEGATIVE (again to all the gods, thank you) and that hook up is now out of the question.
So where else can I go? Any suggestions? There's got to be some girls 18-40 who're attractive and want to play, right?

My wife and I have been looking for a threesome. We both think it would be hot. We've talked about boundaries. We've set all the important ground work to make sure that we both truly feel comfortable with the situation....
Now we need a third. Craigslist? Bunch of bots or chicken shit little girls who back out last minute. Sucks.
OkCupid? The girl we met through there, was all geared up to go with us, did play with one of us, got the herp from one of her other partners, thank god she told us, we got tested, NEGATIVE (again to all the gods, thank you) and that hook up is now out of the question.
So where else can I go? Any suggestions? There's got to be some girls 18-40 who're attractive and want to play, right?
Thanks dude