So I'm officially a realestate agent. I like how when I actually put my mind to something I can get it done. Unlike college where I didn't give a shit. On my current timeline I should be done with all the prelim training just in time for spring and the housing turn around in this area. So I'll be a good position. HA! Fuck all the people who told me that winter was a bad time to get into realestate.
On the down side, I'm going to have to go back to waiting tables again to cover my bills for a bit I'm sure. So far I've had a month and half of no work (other than my realestate law courses and test and such) and I gotta tell you, if you hate your job and it pays ok... Save your money, get a buffer of a few months worth of expenses built up and quit that fucker. Rah!
I can't sleep for shit these days. I'm stuck between eating healthy like I know I should and eating the way I want to because I haven't had any negative health effects from doing so.
On the note of health, it appears I'm actually becoming healthy finally. I weigh in at 140. I've been floating around 120-130 with no weight gain for about 5 years and my goal weight has been 160 that entire time. This sounds so backwards right? But now, for no apparent reason my pulse and metabolism has slowed enough to allow me to gain some weight. But it hasn't slowed enough that I'm unable to eat whatever I want. I still have a resting pulse at 85, but I'm told that's healthier than my resting 110 I was hitting two years ago.
I'm going to go eat a plate of bacon. Laters all.
On the down side, I'm going to have to go back to waiting tables again to cover my bills for a bit I'm sure. So far I've had a month and half of no work (other than my realestate law courses and test and such) and I gotta tell you, if you hate your job and it pays ok... Save your money, get a buffer of a few months worth of expenses built up and quit that fucker. Rah!
I can't sleep for shit these days. I'm stuck between eating healthy like I know I should and eating the way I want to because I haven't had any negative health effects from doing so.
On the note of health, it appears I'm actually becoming healthy finally. I weigh in at 140. I've been floating around 120-130 with no weight gain for about 5 years and my goal weight has been 160 that entire time. This sounds so backwards right? But now, for no apparent reason my pulse and metabolism has slowed enough to allow me to gain some weight. But it hasn't slowed enough that I'm unable to eat whatever I want. I still have a resting pulse at 85, but I'm told that's healthier than my resting 110 I was hitting two years ago.
I'm going to go eat a plate of bacon. Laters all.
i wish i hate a plate of bacon. i'm starvinating.
i have an obsession with storm troopers, and i kinda wanted to poke fun at it by putting him in a pinup pose... i'm a weirdo, i know... but when i came up with the idea, i laughed hysterically, and i figured if nothing else, it'd make an amazing conversation piece tattoo. i gotta say, it might just be my favorite tattoo i have.