Hangman... Hangman, hold it a little while... I think I see my friends coming riding many a mile.
I forgot how much I really liked Zepplin III I always think of IV or the BBC recording or even Houses of the Holy when I think of Zep and then once in a while I find my copy of III and I remember just how damn good they really were.
I am gettin' the led out.
It's late and I'm having trouble sleeping. I hate my job and kinda need a place to bitch. But I've already bitched about this crap so many times that it no longer means shit. Only so many times you can call your boss a retard and still have it pack a punch.
I may end up becoming a realty agent for a large company in the area. Wouldn't that be a trip. A 21 year old who lives in an appartment selling houses. HA. It sounds like a blast, but the housing market around here kinda sucks.
Wow. I'm fucking articulate right now. Heh.
Random thought of the day Reyka Vodka is still the best goddam vodka I've ever tasted.
I forgot how much I really liked Zepplin III I always think of IV or the BBC recording or even Houses of the Holy when I think of Zep and then once in a while I find my copy of III and I remember just how damn good they really were.
I am gettin' the led out.
It's late and I'm having trouble sleeping. I hate my job and kinda need a place to bitch. But I've already bitched about this crap so many times that it no longer means shit. Only so many times you can call your boss a retard and still have it pack a punch.
I may end up becoming a realty agent for a large company in the area. Wouldn't that be a trip. A 21 year old who lives in an appartment selling houses. HA. It sounds like a blast, but the housing market around here kinda sucks.
Wow. I'm fucking articulate right now. Heh.
Random thought of the day Reyka Vodka is still the best goddam vodka I've ever tasted.
Answering the door shirtless...got it.