Is it wrong to name a game character "The Great Ghengis Kahn" and model the character after the real Kahn just so when people say your name in game or "so and so was killed by The Great Ghengis Kahn" you can smile a little smile because you're a history dork?
More Blogs
Monday Jun 27, 2005
Cooking stirfry with consideration to a guest is annoying. How am I s… -
Sunday Jun 26, 2005
I think Dr. Weird's Lab blew up. Something definitely happened near J… -
Saturday Jun 25, 2005
I'm rather upset with Romero. My zombie movies should not teach me… -
Friday Jun 24, 2005
I suffer from a stress related disorder called Spastic Colon, or Irri… -
Thursday Jun 23, 2005
Madison City Council approved a plan last night to allow new permits … -
Tuesday Jun 21, 2005
You can never go back. Life's not quite as depressing as Cowboy Be… -
Tuesday Jun 21, 2005
Tim, meet Life. "Hi." Life, meat Tim. *lunch* This ha… -
Sunday Jun 19, 2005
Job. I am Job. Tim is no more. THERE IS NO TIM! ONLY ZOOL!!!! F… -
Sunday Jun 19, 2005
I just got home. Christ, I'm tired. -
Saturday Jun 18, 2005
A question has been posed! "so you're seriously thinking of not comin…