Is it wrong to name a game character "The Great Ghengis Kahn" and model the character after the real Kahn just so when people say your name in game or "so and so was killed by The Great Ghengis Kahn" you can smile a little smile because you're a history dork?
More Blogs
Saturday Jul 23, 2005
I will shortly be designing and creating an alpha model of a backpack… -
Thursday Jul 21, 2005
Hair is black again. Poor. Need about 400 for the next two tattoos I … -
Wednesday Jul 20, 2005
Interview went great. I'm half deaf from playing my guitar just no… -
Wednesday Jul 20, 2005
Job interview. Today. Don't wish me luck. I'm better than everyone el… -
Thursday Jul 14, 2005
I am so getting the AutoColor job. That's all there is to it. The … -
Tuesday Jul 12, 2005
Car parts have started showing up. I <3 my projects so much. This … -
Saturday Jul 09, 2005
Called in to work today. Going to a drive in theater to see Batman Be… -
Sunday Jul 03, 2005
How do you explain the things that bring you joy? What if the word… -
Thursday Jun 30, 2005
I am the lighting of my head with flames born of justice. -
Tuesday Jun 28, 2005
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