Is it wrong to name a game character "The Great Ghengis Kahn" and model the character after the real Kahn just so when people say your name in game or "so and so was killed by The Great Ghengis Kahn" you can smile a little smile because you're a history dork?
More Blogs
Monday Apr 02, 2007
I hate prospecting real estate work, but I need to do it... so I gues… -
Tuesday Feb 20, 2007
I watched people this weekend do a poler bear dive. These people.... … -
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
So I'm officially a realestate agent. I like how when I actually put … -
Tuesday Jan 02, 2007
Here's hoping that everyone gets what they want out of the new year. … -
Thursday Dec 21, 2006
I am so very alive. And full of goo. -
Tuesday Dec 19, 2006
I'm impressed with peoples ability to detach themselves from a heated… -
Monday Dec 18, 2006
I imagine I'll be recieving an angry post or... who the fuck knows ho… -
Thursday Dec 07, 2006
So yesterday while cleaning my computer of shit that either didn't be… -
Tuesday Dec 05, 2006
Real estate law is so fucking painful. I've found over two dozen ways… -
Monday Nov 20, 2006
The doctor says I'm not to use my wrist. At all. For a fucking week. …