Is it wrong to name a game character "The Great Ghengis Kahn" and model the character after the real Kahn just so when people say your name in game or "so and so was killed by The Great Ghengis Kahn" you can smile a little smile because you're a history dork?
More Blogs
Friday Nov 02, 2007
Catch ya'll later. -
Friday Oct 19, 2007
Well... It's about that time in my life, yet again, where I look at w… -
Wednesday Aug 15, 2007
Is it really so wrong to still believe that if a person works hard th… -
Wednesday Aug 01, 2007
Read More -
Friday Jul 27, 2007
I am fucking pissed. I'm supposed to go game this weekend and I ca… -
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
Dear Insomnia, Fuck you. Dear Denny's food, Fuck you. Dear mena… -
Thursday May 31, 2007
With a purposful grimace and a terrible sound, He pulls the spitting… -
Tuesday May 22, 2007
I worked on my project car last night. First time in months I've actu… -
Thursday Apr 19, 2007
Well... Zero died. I buried him last night. It hurts. -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2007
These are my fish. I love them very much. The big one is Zero. He…