My great grandmother is slipping away. That's what I was told yesterday. I left work in tears and met my mother and my great aunt who was flying in from Mobile Alabama and we drove down to see her in the hospital where my grandma and grandpa were already waiting. She knew who we were and she could squeeze our hands, but talking was hard and she faded in and out of sleep. She really brightenend up and smiled at the sound of my voice, and that made me feel good.
We left thinking she wouldn't make it through the night. Talking to nurses and my grandmother this morning my great grandma's eyes are bright as can be this morning she's focusing on everyone around her and she's very alert. I know there's no sense hoping for a recovery from a 99 year old woman, but thoughts, prayers, or whatever your deal is, are appreciated.
I feel generally pretty shitty right now and cannot count how many times I've lost it emotionally in the last 24 hours.
I think I'm going to do something mindless for a while to keep myself sane.
Maybe I'll look for things for this years Halloween costume. I will be going, in full outfit and makeup, as Toad from Wind in the Willows.
We left thinking she wouldn't make it through the night. Talking to nurses and my grandmother this morning my great grandma's eyes are bright as can be this morning she's focusing on everyone around her and she's very alert. I know there's no sense hoping for a recovery from a 99 year old woman, but thoughts, prayers, or whatever your deal is, are appreciated.
I feel generally pretty shitty right now and cannot count how many times I've lost it emotionally in the last 24 hours.
I think I'm going to do something mindless for a while to keep myself sane.
Maybe I'll look for things for this years Halloween costume. I will be going, in full outfit and makeup, as Toad from Wind in the Willows.
it's tough losing one you love so terribly much. and I know you love her like mad. I know you don't so much talk to me, but you can. My thoughts are with her.
let me know how things are going. I did rather like the woman, she is strong like my grandmother was. I guess I'm just thinkin about ya right now.