So the chimps that made my body kit suck dick eight different ways. The front bumper on it is kinda fucked atm. Basically there's a lip that should be about three inches wide and it's only 1.5" which leaves me having to do a whole shit ton of fiberglass molding or buy a new front bumper. The dangers of buying kits on ebay and the joys of working in a body shop where I can kype the equipment for free.
On a happy note I just got a 1.50 raise today at work. Huzzah.
On a happy note I just got a 1.50 raise today at work. Huzzah.
P.S. So apparently the PVP endgame for this thing is based around trade, banditry, and bandit hunting. So I'm thinking that we should round up a bunch of people and form a guild, then either run a caravan or a bandit platoon. Sound good?
I just got done pimping SilkRoad on the Gamers group and BK Actives. I want an allpowerful army of Bandits and PKs. Want it so good.