Should really be doing my reading for Literature and Society... Jasper Conrad's "Chance" anyone? So far it seems to be one guy waffling on and on about getting lost in an office whilst trying to find someone who can get him a placement on a ship. Who is this guy? Who is he talking to? Who is this narrator? What is going on? Is there, at any point, going to be some damned plot to it all? So far... No.
But the lecture seems to imply otherwise and I have a tutorial on Friday all about it so... Yay.
In other news: Nearly Paddy's Day, nearly my next visit from my Dad and my boyfriend, almost time for our next drama society Fundraiser and nearly Mother's day. Basically a lot of fun exciting stuff is happening next week, until then I just have to put up with this week. Meh.
The cold that has been trying to batter down my immnue system for the past couple of months has finally struck, my brain feels like cotton wool, my throat like sandpaper and my nose like a tap. So yay for that.
I know it sounds all doom and gloom (or I'm making it out to be), but life is actually pretty good. We had a blocked sink last night but's all fixed now, I made meatballs for dinner which are proving even nicer reheated the next day and I have my Mum's birthday present all sorted a month in advance. It started off as her Mother's Day present but I got a little carried away...
It was meant to be a quick trip into town to get a card and maybe check out some secondhand book shops and instead it ended up with me in a shop I've been trying to resist since I noticed it. It always looked like it did gorgeous handmade jewellery and stuff (and it did) but stuff that would cost a fortune (and they did) and I knew if I went in there I would spend half my loan. And I did, but it was for my mum so it was totally worth it.
Trying to work out my plans for summer. Moving out of my current house and in with a different group of friends. Unfortunately the leases overlap so I'm paying double rent in July which sucks but what cos you do? At least I have plenty of time to have all my stuff boxed up and moved over. Then I'm flying home to Yorkshire for my birthday (and hopefully my two newest tattoos. Feet, ouch) and probably staying in England for most of my summer. If feels like a waste to be paying all my rent but not actually being there but I need to make my last loan installment stretch from April to September and that's easier to do at home. In theory anyway. Was really upset a while ago when I was working out my finances, in that I thought I wouldn't be able to go on holiday (I was planning a week somewhere sunny with a swimming pool to celebrate my 21st). Had a wee catch up with my Dad and he was asking if I'd sorted out a destination and I'd said that it probably wasn't going to happen.
Half an hour later I have a chunk of money in my savings account and a message from my Dad telling me to enjoy my holiday. I feel bad taking this much stuff off him but I know it's his way of saying he loves me. So this Easter I'm going to get Mum's help in hunting out a nice little place to relax for a week, before I head back to Belfast and the beginning of my Third Year. Scary stuff. But yeah, Dad is getting the best Father's day present I can think of this year, I swear.
Not particularly thrilling stuff, so if you could be bothered to read all that gratz to you! Anyway, looking forward to next week and Easter and the summer ahead
I would say "just need to get the rest of my life out of the way between now and then" But that's just too dickish. I like my life, when I'm not cold and groggy. Now to stick on some music and battle my way through this reading.
Conrad, let's be havin' ye!
Should really be doing my reading for Literature and Society... Jasper Conrad's "Chance" anyone? So far it seems to be one guy waffling on and on about getting lost in an office whilst trying to find someone who can get him a placement on a ship. Who is this guy? Who is he talking to? Who is this narrator? What is going on? Is there, at any point, going to be some damned plot to it all? So far... No.
But the lecture seems to imply otherwise and I have a tutorial on Friday all about it so... Yay.
In other news: Nearly Paddy's Day, nearly my next visit from my Dad and my boyfriend, almost time for our next drama society Fundraiser and nearly Mother's day. Basically a lot of fun exciting stuff is happening next week, until then I just have to put up with this week. Meh.
The cold that has been trying to batter down my immnue system for the past couple of months has finally struck, my brain feels like cotton wool, my throat like sandpaper and my nose like a tap. So yay for that.
I know it sounds all doom and gloom (or I'm making it out to be), but life is actually pretty good. We had a blocked sink last night but's all fixed now, I made meatballs for dinner which are proving even nicer reheated the next day and I have my Mum's birthday present all sorted a month in advance. It started off as her Mother's Day present but I got a little carried away...
It was meant to be a quick trip into town to get a card and maybe check out some secondhand book shops and instead it ended up with me in a shop I've been trying to resist since I noticed it. It always looked like it did gorgeous handmade jewellery and stuff (and it did) but stuff that would cost a fortune (and they did) and I knew if I went in there I would spend half my loan. And I did, but it was for my mum so it was totally worth it.
Trying to work out my plans for summer. Moving out of my current house and in with a different group of friends. Unfortunately the leases overlap so I'm paying double rent in July which sucks but what cos you do? At least I have plenty of time to have all my stuff boxed up and moved over. Then I'm flying home to Yorkshire for my birthday (and hopefully my two newest tattoos. Feet, ouch) and probably staying in England for most of my summer. If feels like a waste to be paying all my rent but not actually being there but I need to make my last loan installment stretch from April to September and that's easier to do at home. In theory anyway. Was really upset a while ago when I was working out my finances, in that I thought I wouldn't be able to go on holiday (I was planning a week somewhere sunny with a swimming pool to celebrate my 21st). Had a wee catch up with my Dad and he was asking if I'd sorted out a destination and I'd said that it probably wasn't going to happen.
Half an hour later I have a chunk of money in my savings account and a message from my Dad telling me to enjoy my holiday. I feel bad taking this much stuff off him but I know it's his way of saying he loves me. So this Easter I'm going to get Mum's help in hunting out a nice little place to relax for a week, before I head back to Belfast and the beginning of my Third Year. Scary stuff. But yeah, Dad is getting the best Father's day present I can think of this year, I swear.
Not particularly thrilling stuff, so if you could be bothered to read all that gratz to you! Anyway, looking forward to next week and Easter and the summer ahead

Conrad, let's be havin' ye!