Work sucks major bootay. Not only do I not get paid enough or get the hours in my contract, but my boss and sub-boss seem to think it's okay for them to yell at the entire staff, which is bogus. Actually the sub-boss only yells at me. She seems to think it's okay to treat me as something less than her. She likes making me feel like I'm the worst thing to happen to the world of books since the beginning of time.
I'm so over this job. I want to work in books but seriously, this isn't worth it.
Now I just need to figure out if I'll tell them I quit now or next week.
As soon as I gather up the courage, I suppose.
Anyhoodle, things suck. Sucksucksuck. Much suckiness.
Bah. I'm gonna go watch gayporn.
Have a great weekend everyone.
And to the Christians, thanks for the free holiday!
I'm so over this job. I want to work in books but seriously, this isn't worth it.
Now I just need to figure out if I'll tell them I quit now or next week.
As soon as I gather up the courage, I suppose.
Anyhoodle, things suck. Sucksucksuck. Much suckiness.
Bah. I'm gonna go watch gayporn.
Have a great weekend everyone.
And to the Christians, thanks for the free holiday!
to them!!!
then right before walking out the door, tell her you quit.
i wish i could have done that...
i hate these fucking bosses who have ego trips and love to make life miserable. even though my airport job was amazing, i HAD to quit because it was run by a complete asshole, and it produced an unhealthy situation for me because I came in to work every morning pissed and full of hatred. by the end of the day my head felt like exploding and i just wanted to lay my head under the nose-wheel of a boeing 747.
QUIT if it's fucking with you. your health is worth more than some assholes getting off on power trips.
i hate humans. we are so ugly, especially inside.