Even if it never gets me a paying job I still love the business I'm gonna be in. We had real interesting guys speaking at school, man. A linguist and an interpreter for the EU.
Now on Sunday I'm sitting round in my sweatpants typing my essay while listening to the Dresden Dolls who are terminally wicked and you should all get into, you faghagging losers you.
Oh, just switched to Depeche Mode. Also v good.
Think I'm gonna type up some more stuff and then have sandwhich with creamcheese and also have tea. Watch Viggo Mortensen on dvd.
Work on the sketches I made during the boring classes yesterday. I made a Siamese twin out of Amina where she just bit of her sister's head.
Gotta go anyway.
ps Annie rocks
pps smartasses suck
ppps is Swedish neo-imperialism a real concept?
Now on Sunday I'm sitting round in my sweatpants typing my essay while listening to the Dresden Dolls who are terminally wicked and you should all get into, you faghagging losers you.
Oh, just switched to Depeche Mode. Also v good.
Think I'm gonna type up some more stuff and then have sandwhich with creamcheese and also have tea. Watch Viggo Mortensen on dvd.
Work on the sketches I made during the boring classes yesterday. I made a Siamese twin out of Amina where she just bit of her sister's head.
Gotta go anyway.
ps Annie rocks
pps smartasses suck
ppps is Swedish neo-imperialism a real concept?
I really don't know what to say but I'm leaving you a comment anyway. Have a good day.
Oh by the way. You oughtta check out my freind BlackWing's tats. you'd probabl like them more than anybody.