Almost four pages of my 12page essay finished ! Yeey!
At this point I feel I have to thank my father for passing the gift of bullshitting on end about nothing at all onto me.
(When asked a question my dad will talk and talk and talk and I have the same gift on paper- in this way I've completed essay after essay mentioning everything it needs plus loads of information nobody needs to fill up the space, making it actually look good)
Thanks dad, without you I never would've been able to do this.
Anyway, I really need to get the South Park Movie soundtrack. There's something about the increase of misery around me that makes me want to play Big Gay Al's "I'm Super, thanks for asking", just to be sarcastic and annoying.
"I can't believe the news today."
Holy shit, did I just quote Bono??? Ewwwwwwwwww
Shit. I'm gonna go look at naked chicks and draw tattoo flash. I'll see yous guys laters.
Almost four pages of my 12page essay finished ! Yeey!
At this point I feel I have to thank my father for passing the gift of bullshitting on end about nothing at all onto me.
(When asked a question my dad will talk and talk and talk and I have the same gift on paper- in this way I've completed essay after essay mentioning everything it needs plus loads of information nobody needs to fill up the space, making it actually look good)
Thanks dad, without you I never would've been able to do this.
Anyway, I really need to get the South Park Movie soundtrack. There's something about the increase of misery around me that makes me want to play Big Gay Al's "I'm Super, thanks for asking", just to be sarcastic and annoying.
"I can't believe the news today."
Holy shit, did I just quote Bono??? Ewwwwwwwwww

Shit. I'm gonna go look at naked chicks and draw tattoo flash. I'll see yous guys laters.