Why is it that there's no gay people on MTV Dismissed? Hm.
I feel like going to Tattoo Eus tomorrow after work and discuss plans for my next tattoo. It has only been about a month since my last ink got applied, but I've been dying to get my cover-up and I've been saving, and turning idea after idea over in my head..
Medusa seems the perfect choice for my cover up. I've been fascinated with Greek mythology for as long as I can remember, and when I saw an episode of the Storyteller (Perseus and the Gorgons), I dunno.. it never really left me.
Why she means so much to me is probably the similarity in our names. Mine means 'mother of all living' and she is both life and death. She is a woman, so a mother, but her hair exists entirely of snakes, also symbolising death. The circle of life as it were.
How everything is linked with everything. No life without death and vice versa.. Nature is that exact same way.
So I'll probably take
this as the bases for my tattoo and let the artist figure out the rest. Exciting!! :-)
Have a great day, everyone. I'm gonna go watch my new dvd of A Nightmare Before Christmas. YEAH!
I feel like going to Tattoo Eus tomorrow after work and discuss plans for my next tattoo. It has only been about a month since my last ink got applied, but I've been dying to get my cover-up and I've been saving, and turning idea after idea over in my head..
Medusa seems the perfect choice for my cover up. I've been fascinated with Greek mythology for as long as I can remember, and when I saw an episode of the Storyteller (Perseus and the Gorgons), I dunno.. it never really left me.
Why she means so much to me is probably the similarity in our names. Mine means 'mother of all living' and she is both life and death. She is a woman, so a mother, but her hair exists entirely of snakes, also symbolising death. The circle of life as it were.
How everything is linked with everything. No life without death and vice versa.. Nature is that exact same way.
So I'll probably take
this as the bases for my tattoo and let the artist figure out the rest. Exciting!! :-)
Have a great day, everyone. I'm gonna go watch my new dvd of A Nightmare Before Christmas. YEAH!
greek mythology is like a big soap opera/fetish porn mixup, some really great stuff in there though and some how it probably says a lot about human nature, most of those stories have some twisted moral.
I woulda got one of the gods or something myself. You asked me what kinda tattoos I like. I don't like many unless they're really original. They have to be ones that no one else would think to have y'know? But yours seem original so it'll probably be really cool.