I am no longer Exorcist-girl !! That is, I eat and it doesn't come back up anymore. Ah the glory that is normal digestion. Loverly.
Yesterday was the first time in a week that I left the house and as I shut the door behind me I saw a little birdy that had gotten stuck in the hallway of the flat (on the outside of the building there's these movable windows and he must've flown in while they were partly opened). He was apparently upset and confused cos he kept flying up against the wall, the doors and the closed windows with loud bangs. Poor little thing.
It was surprisinly easy to catch, which I had to do twice before I had a strong enough hold on the little bugger to get it to one of the open windows and let it out.
If it weren't for the dreams of bloodshed and the love of porn and rock music, I'd probably really be a treehugger...
Yesterday was the first time in a week that I left the house and as I shut the door behind me I saw a little birdy that had gotten stuck in the hallway of the flat (on the outside of the building there's these movable windows and he must've flown in while they were partly opened). He was apparently upset and confused cos he kept flying up against the wall, the doors and the closed windows with loud bangs. Poor little thing.
It was surprisinly easy to catch, which I had to do twice before I had a strong enough hold on the little bugger to get it to one of the open windows and let it out.
If it weren't for the dreams of bloodshed and the love of porn and rock music, I'd probably really be a treehugger...
Wij hadden ook altijd last van duiven binnen toen we in de oude Scheveningse bieb kraakten.
Maaruh... Iets leuk dus
Kben blij te horen dat het weer wat beter met je gaat trouwens.