Life death life death.. Nature is awesome, btw.
I went on a walk this Friday and found the tiny corpse of a bird that had fallen from its nest, sans feathers or anything. With the risk of sounding macabre/very American Beauty, I think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I took it home and placed it in a jar so I can maybe perserve its sceleton.
Am I weird?
In other news the cat of one of my friends' friends had kittens so we went to watch - they still fit on your hand and have their eyes closed and fall asleep while drinking milk from mom. So Adorable.
went to see my friend's new nephew (a month old now), very adorable little man.
my birdie is still sitting out on the balcony in its jar, this morning I saw its little tummy move, it's that full of maggots. It's one of those things you just have to keep looking at, even if you don't want to.
I went on a walk this Friday and found the tiny corpse of a bird that had fallen from its nest, sans feathers or anything. With the risk of sounding macabre/very American Beauty, I think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I took it home and placed it in a jar so I can maybe perserve its sceleton.
Am I weird?
In other news the cat of one of my friends' friends had kittens so we went to watch - they still fit on your hand and have their eyes closed and fall asleep while drinking milk from mom. So Adorable.
went to see my friend's new nephew (a month old now), very adorable little man.
my birdie is still sitting out on the balcony in its jar, this morning I saw its little tummy move, it's that full of maggots. It's one of those things you just have to keep looking at, even if you don't want to.
I once did it with just burrying a pigeon, I think I recollected all the bones but I'm not sure cus they were kinda spread out from where I burried it. Hence the advice for you to use the jar.
And it's not macabre in my world. It's a deep interest in nature.
I'd go for spiritually enlightened actually. It's realistic way to view life / death. Took me ages to realize, and one tends to forget sometimes. But it is the only true view of the matter. As long as grief doesn't cloud this judgment.
Noem me raar... Maar 25 euro voor een jaar is toch niet zoveel? Ik ga denk ik wel verlengen
Ik weet nog niet of ik naar de conventie ga eigenlijk. Daar naartoe is nog duurder dan een jaar abbonnement hiero
Oh en werk; iets van redacteur / content manager van een website lijkt me leuk, maar daar heb ik de papieren niet voor. Ik zoek verder iets in de richting van cultureel werk (daar heb ik voor geleerd) maar die sector heeft gewoon absoluut geen banen over