I've almost finished Brett Easton Ellis' "American Psycho". And I'm both sad and happy - I changed my opinion about Ellis, I think he's brilliant and an incredible writer. Someone who can create a character like Patrick Bateman and describe those thoughts, those actions, fucking awesome. And the chapters describing the endless squabling over dinner reservations or the records he likes... On the other hand, I have a really creative imagination and I can almost smell the blood and hear the girls cry.. The book gets worse and worse towards the end, and one part of me is almost longing for a bit of light reading - Terry Pratchett... or even Jill Mansell !!
Oh well - I hope I haven't discouraged anyone from reading this book (or seeing the movie, which is far less bloody), you should, it's incredible.
Another bit of info; regarding my last entry, I'd gone to the Walibi Fright Nights with some friends. Walibi Fright Nights are these Halloweeny type of nights in the Dutch themepark Walibi (Walibooh that day). Basically you can ride all the rides til ten at night and from six til ten o'clock there's actors dressed like monsters walking around the park and you can visit the living haunted houses.
I can recommend this to anyone who's never gone as well ! I had such an awesome time - somehow my fear of a large amount of people in a public place subsided when the lights went out and the monsters came..
The zombie trying to snog me and the girl trying to snog me, it was one big laugh ! My friend who was hanging on my arm was freaking out continously, and she laughed her ass off the one time I got scared that night - someone dressed in black jumped out of a corner in a completely blackened room and said 'boo!'..
(WHAT? I didn't see him coming, alright?)
It was awesome. Maybe you saw me there? I was one of the three girls wearing a large pointy black hat (with green hair). It's the best way to spend Halloween
Something else that was scary happened: my brother asked me over for dinner at his house !!!! Amazing - if you consider that he's never ever asked or made any such suggestion before in his life, and he's thirty next year...
Also, my grandmother forgave me for forgetting her birthday and we're making plans to get together and have tea and play cards. I love her to pieces, she's an awesome, pert (is that the word?) lady.
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