It's not that I was too lazy really, I was just busy. It feels like I'm in a roller coaster
because life keeps taking unexpected turns (I don't mean just the good times where you're happy and ecstatic and screaming the ears off of the friend sitting next to you - sometimes it just takes you 'round again through the same loops that make you feel nauseous and tired and you hadn't expected them to be there a second time, but there they were okay, okay, I'll stop with the roller coaster metaphor, even though it's pretty accurate).
I'll try to summarize the past two/three weeks:
Sunday (Mother's Day) 13 May :
My sister comes to Holland for a 10-day visit! Hoorah! After she's arrived my parents tell us our grandfather has died. No comment.
Monday 14 May:
I start my new job at a discount clothing store and spend the day folding underwear. Decide it's a shit job. That evening, the new owners of the bookstore where I worked ask me to come in for a job interview.
Tuesday 15 May:
I quit my new job. Duh.
Wednesday 16 May:
The postman sees me naked. Okay, who delivers a package at the very same time that I'm in the shower AND expecting my sister to come home any minute?!! (it was pretty fucking funny, really

Thursday 17 May:
My sister and I make a Norwegian carrot cake. Yummmm.
Friday 18 May:
I have dinner with my parents and sister at my brother's house. His girlfriend is an awesome cook! And my bro let me play on his new Wii-computer, woohoo ! (my whole family was shocked by how much energy I put into the boxing game lol) I miss the bro, hardly see him except on birthdays and stuff cuz we live in different cities. He's awesome though.
Saturday 19 May:
Bitches Day Out - mom, sis and me went to a spa and spent the afternoon in the various sauna's, pools and massage rooms. Incidentally, I've discovered a new hobby: nude swimming! Bathing suits were strictly forbidden so except for the occasional robe, everyone was walking around naked. We hadn't known about the nudity and mom was a little uncomfortable, but I switched around to the idea surprisingly quickly. Pretty soon I was paddling around the hot and cold pool like nobody's business in nothing but my inky skin.
I can totally recommend it. Plus, beside a couple of long stares I got no grief over my ink (I even got a friendly 'yo what's up'-nod from an old guy, lol). It was loads of fun.
- That night I find out my brother in law has won the European Championship in Nunchaku-do on "Freestyle". Woohoo!!!!!!!!
Monday 21 May:
The job interview went quite well. We had a chat in their other bookstore that lasted an hour, after which one of them dropped me off at home on the way to the store where I used to work. He promised to send me details of the hours and such and we'll be making a second appointment to discuss everything. Hoorah!!
That evening I get an email from another bookstore asking me to come in for an interview on Thursday! Of course I went, but I ended up turning the job down because it was fulltime and with my schoolwork, that just isn't going to work. Too bad, it sounded like a lot of fun and they really wanted to take me on. Oh well.
(On Tuesday I find out I'm supposed to hand in an assignment on Wednesday! Eek)
Wednesday 23 May:
We take my sister to the airport for her flight back. It's a bit chaotic and I'm feeling really sick and nauseous, but we get her on the plane on time and my parents give me a ride home.
Thursday 24 May:
The aforementioned job interview. Then I rush home to take my boy to the hospital. He had a wisdom tooth removed in March because his jaw hurt, but the pain is still just as bad so we go back to the dental surgeon. They tell us that there's a considerable hole in his jaw near where the wisdom tooth used to be which is a pool of bacteria, causing the hurt. They may have to remove another tooth. IN YOUR FACE DOCTOR VERHAGEN !!! (He's our doctor who keeps telling my boy 'the pain is all in your head')
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand on Friday the 25th, my brother-in-law is honoured in the city hall in our town for winning the European Championship. With reporters and an alderman and everything. Narf !
Okay. That was about two weeks squeezed into one post. I said I had been busy, not fascinating. I leave you now with some pics and all the shit I'm looking forward to:
Tonight: dinner with my ex-colleagues
Tomorrow: dinner with my boyfriend's boss and his wife (and possibly the discussion of them helping us buy a house -eeey)
Somewhere in the next week: meeting elenakulikova for drinks to discuss ideas for a set J
June 4th: Appointment with L. to discuss plans for my cover-up tattoo, a Japanese half sleeve (yeey)
June 17th: going to London for three days, seeing Pearl Jam at Wembley on the 18th !!
June 23th/24th: Maybe bullying someone into taking me to see the Frames play (anyone? J)
June 28th: Seeing Pearl Jam in Nijmegen ! Yeeey!
For now, that's about it.
So here's some pics because you lasted so long reading this post !
And last but not least:
Carpe noctum, everyone
ps What the fuck is that tune Ella Driver is whistling in Kill Bill ?
Jij ook al zo'n leuke vooruitzichten zie ik!! Wel jammer dat je niet naar de Tattoo Con in Amsterdam gaat.
ps. Hope your boy feels better soon!